WPE x64 是一款可以拦截并修改 WinSock 封包的 Windows 软件,自适应支持 32 位及 64 位的目标程序,软件支持 SOCKS 代理和进程注入两种模式,并且具有高级滤镜和自动化机器人等功能,开发中使用了 C# 的多线程和消息队列技术,测试拦截了 100 万+的封包不会卡死或 ...
免责声明:本产品禁止用于非法用途,一切违法行为与作者无关。 Thief 是一款基于 Electron 开发的跨平台多功能(真正创新的)摸鱼软件,为了上班族打造的上班必备神器,使用此软件可以让上班倍感轻松,远离 ICU。
2.7.0-beta-1 版本汉化未审核版本完成。 注意:及以后版本在config文件夹内添加了带us后缀的json文件,请删除此文件,否则会造成任务书汉化失败 注意2:2.3.1及以后版本,任务书结构再次大改,config中的相应json文件不再影响汉化,无需再执行删除操作 PS:有 ...
包含微博爬虫、LDA主题分析、情感分析、时空协同分析四个部分。 实现文档主题抽取,包括数据清洗及分词、主题数的确定(主题一致性和困惑度)和最优主题模型的选择(暴力搜索)。
Canlı Maçlar MatbetTV De İzlenir. Contribute to mclrb0ssprtt4/m4tb3ttv development by creating an account on GitHub.
Welcome to 10.10.0! Thank you to all that have contributed to this release, including development and testing. Please report back any issues at https://github.com ...
windows-sys - Raw bindings for C-style Windows APIs. windows - Safer bindings including C-style APIs as well as COM and WinRT APIs. windows-bindgen - Code generator ...
Added support to mine Conflux on Nvidia Cards. Use -a OCTOPUS to mine it, fee is 2% - similar to the AMD code.
Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is a security research platform for mobile applications in Android, iOS and Windows Mobile. MobSF can be used for a variety of use cases such as mobile application ...
The NVIDIA Container Toolkit allows users to build and run GPU accelerated containers. The toolkit includes a container runtime library and utilities to automatically configure containers to leverage ...
Ruff aims to be orders of magnitude faster than alternative tools while integrating more functionality behind a single, common interface.
Tools for Odoo Administrators to improve some technical features on Odoo.