据香港IDC新天域互联了解,近日,沙特电信巨头 Mobily 成功在沙特阿拉伯接入 Africa-1 海底电缆,这一举措为沙特与欧洲、非洲建立了全新的高容量连接,在国际通信领域引发广泛关注。该消息在 “Capacity Middle East 2025” 会议上正式公布,此次接入将助力 Mobily 拓展其全球网络,通过埃及、法国、苏丹和意大利的互连,开辟全新的发展机遇。
The number of internally displaced persons in the Horn of Africa rose to 20.75 million at the end of 2024, the International ...
据埃及门户金字塔在线1月28日报道,埃及被列入2025年非洲十大原油储量国榜单,该排名由“Business Africa”平台发布。
AliExpress, Alibaba’s cross-border e-commerce platform, has announced plans to extend its local currency payment options in Africa. Following the introduction of mobile payment systems like M-Pesa in ...
Staring from Dec. 1, 2024, China began to give all the least developed countries with which it has diplomatic relations zero-tariff treatment for 100 percent tariff lines, including 33 African ...
Investing.com -- Airtel Africa (LSE:AAF)股价在公司发布第三季度财报后跃升9%,业绩超出分析师预期。这家电信巨头报告季度收入为12.7亿美元,较预估高出4%。调整后的EBITDA也超出预期,达到5.94亿美元,增长3.5%。